Saturday, January 15, 2022


Have you ever worked at a job where the team you belonged to had one particular employee who just exceeded everyone’s expectations? Who, when they came into the room, brightened it with good-humored and encouraging morale? A natural born leader that others naturally followed? The sort of person that you couldn’t imagine not being there? That made your job a joy?

I’ve actually had that experience in a few different jobs throughout the years!

As Christians we have the astonishing privilege of joining the best team ever – the church of the LORD Jesus Christ! And as the Head of the church, He doesn’t merely lead us as a whole, but each of us individually!

Previously we looked at MATTHEW 11:

MATTHEW 11:29-30
29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light

We saw that the LORD places a yoke on us that is a double-yoke and that it’s a light burden, only because the LORD bears the brunt of the load!

And being so yoked together as a team, we are near Him, and are well able to learn of Him, of His gentleness, of His lowliness, of His heart where we can truly find rest for our souls.

It’s sort of a paradox – we are laboring in this yoke, but at the same time, we find rest here. In fact, we find a far superior – a supreme rest here while working with our LORD than we would in the most luxurious vacation resort with all the amenities!

To know Jesus personally, and our Abba Father is the very definition of what eternal life is all about! See JOHN 17:3.

I would never presume to tell a fellow saint what their calling is – that is the prerogative of the King to so direct them; but there are many times that I perceive a certain gifting in a fellow saint where I might suggest a particular area of ministry and encourage them to pray about it. There are those in the fellowship I attend that I have observed various giftings: the gift of evangelism, of encouragement, of helps, of governments (1 COR 12:28), etc. And it’s awesome how the ultimate Orchestrator brings them all together and makes such Messianic-inspired music in the orchestra that is the church, the body of Christ.

Like every orchestra, we are all following along on the same piece of music set before us on our stands – the Word of GOD, the Holy Scriptures! And like an orchestra we all have our assigned part to play – our ministry. And we have the instrument on which we play and have practiced with musical exercise – the gifts that the LORD has equipped us with, and as with almost any composer/conductor, our LORD is the most proficient at playing any of these instruments and can teach and train us how to play them!

So why don’t we look at these instruments (the gifts) and the orchestral piece of music (The WORD of GOD)?

4 There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. 7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: 8 for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, 10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. 11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills. 12 For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ. 13 For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body--whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free--and have all been made to drink into one Spirit

The word of wisdom: “word” here is logos, the same word that we see in JOHN 1:1-3,14, which, in that case, refers to Jesus Christ Who is the Logos of GOD. This tells us that any gifting of wisdom (sophia in the Greek) is from the Word and is itself a “spoken word, thought, reasoning” of the Spirit that conveys such wisdom through the human channels that are the saints.

This gifting may be a spontaneous one, suitable to any particular situation, or it may be coupled together with the working of the Spirit in a believer’s life who is a diligent student of the Word and is able to access the wisdom contained therein in a deft and precise manner that fits the situation perfectly.

Knowledge of the Word is vital, but it’s useless unless it’s applied. Just as a burn cream is useless at helping a burn to heal if it stays in the tube! Application is necessary for that cream, as well as for that knowledge of the Word – that is wisdom!

To rightly apply the knowledge of the Word, to follow the instruction of Scripture is all important in any ministry, thus this gift should be highly sought for:

Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding

The “word of knowledge”: gnosis is the word used here for knowledge and it simply means “knowledge, science (to know)” and this word is used throughout the New Testament [insert concordance search results here]. This is different than eido, the Greek word used for “know” in MATTHEW 12:25 in which He discerned what the Pharisees were thinking; so what the LORD did in this instance is more akin to “discerning of spirits” which is diakrino in the Greek: “an estimation, judicious” of spirits, whether they are the spirits of human beings or angels (fallen or holy), or even the Spirit of GOD. When used in regards to the spirits of human beings, this has nothing to do with ghosts, but with the spirit of individuals as they emote and act in their body, their words, their actions.

Discernment of spirits in the spiritual realm is altogether different in the sense that these are noncorporeal (unseen), but likewise can manifest as they emote and act while possessing or oppressing (demonizing) a person.

I recall a time in a warehouse that I sensed a very disturbing presence, and the closer I got to one area, the more agitated this presence became. I had the sensation similar to the uncomfortable feeling you get when someone is standing too close to you (nose to nose close), but without anyone actually seen before me.

I could tell this was a demonic presence, and prayed, and texted a few saints to intercede and within an hour, that presence left (for the time being until I left the warehouse).

Among these many other gifts, there is the speaking of tongues*, which elsewhere we see it employed as a prayer language (1 COR 14:2,14-15) to GOD; my intellectual understanding is unfruitful – I don’t know what I’m saying, but I am nevertheless speaking to GOD, communicating, praying, supplicating, worshiping Him. Prayer is essential in any ministry: to be led directly by the Spirit on how to pray (whether in my understanding or not) is incredibly essential. Prayer is how we communicate to GOD and get into alignment with how the Spirit of GOD wants things done. Prayer is the communication line to our Heavenly HQ.

No army will win the day if they aren’t receiving current orders from HQ!
* I realize that this (along with prophesying) is a ‘hot topic’ issue that has divided the body of Christ, with scores of theologians taking sides on whether or not these particular gifts are for today; I’ve worked in ministry for decades alongside those who believe such gifts are completed and done with since the canon of Scripture is complete. We never let our fellowship and common goals in the Gospel be divided over this doctrine. I hope to address the gifts of the Spirit in a balanced, biblical view sometime in the future on TTUF. Your prayers are most appreciated.
So is the gift of faith (vs. 9); we know that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of GOD (ROM 10:17), but we also know that GOD imparts faith (ROM 12:3), and at times bestows an extra measure by way of this precious gift.

For myself, I recall a time when my mother and I were praying for my father’s salvation, and when we got up off our knees, I said, “Dad is going to get saved”. To which my Mom meekly replied, “I sure hope so!” And I said, “No – I just know Dad is going to get saved! I just know it!” And he was.

We know that without faith it’s impossible to please GOD (HEB 11:6), so He grants faith, enables faith through the Word, and bestows that extra measure of faith as a gift. If we ever hope to work effectively with the LORD, we must employ an active (not a passive) faith.

The sort of faith that rallies around the walls of Jericho, expecting them to crumble so you and your armies will enter and vanquish the city that GOD has given you!

The sort of faith that enables you to look your giant in the eye, this huge walking tank with sword and shield, and all you have is a sling and a few small stones – and GOD!

The sort of faith that grants the courage to storm the very gates of hell and deliver some of Satan’s POWs from his domain!

When I was on the mission field in Europe back in the mid-80’s there were several books that were required reading; among them were the collective works of Andrew Murray, and one sentence in all of his books I read has stayed with me, stamped into my soul, as it were, over these decades:

“The work GOD does in you, is far more important than the work you do for GOD. In fact, it’s not until He does His work in us, that any work we do for the LORD will amount to anything.”

10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them

We are His workmanship

The word in the Greek is poema, and it means a work of art, typically the skill of knitting. It is Christ Himself doing this work of art in each of us, to beautify us with salvation in all of its aspects.

Since Jesus is Himself our salvation, then it is the beauty that is Christ Himself that He works in us; Christ-likeness is what equips us for the work He intends, and in this way, we truly become His yokefellow!

And we need not wander aimlessly in search of some enigmatic, mysterious calling of GOD, for He has “prepared beforehand” those good works that we should engage in! All I need do is to stay in the Spirit – reading and applying the Word to my life, stay in prayer, and develop an ever increasing love relationship with the One Who loved me first, and Who Himself took the initiative in our salvation and will complete it (PHIL 1:6).

This is why Paul could say with such confidence, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” (2 TIM 4:7). There was a certain number of good works that the LORD intended for the apostle to accomplish, and as those were ticked off one by one, leaving just one more left, by the power of the Spirit, Paul finished them all, and was therefore done.

We likewise have a list of good works ordained for us; may we seek the LORD and remain close to Him, ever sensitive to Him and His voice, that we may ‘hear and obey’ our Master’s command.

Let’s be mindful that since the LORD purchased us with His own blood, that we belong to Him just as a bond-slave belonged to their master. The bond-slave had no rights of their own, their own agenda, their own set of priorities – they lived to serve their Master.

This is why I have the conviction that if I want to move to a different job, a different city or state, or pursue a relationship, I am not free to do so on my own authority; I check in, and pray, asking GOD to let me know what His will is.

I have a burning, passionate desire to become a Christian novelist and author. I’ve been told that I have some talent, but I have boxed everything I have and put it aside once I realized that I didn’t have the LORD’s OK on those projects. I told GOD that these things will stay in the box until I hear from Him; at which time – if He says ‘yes’, I will go at these projects with gusto!

But should He say ‘No’, then I can put them aside permanently and focus where He wants me to focus. I lay aside my own will and desires and exchange them for the LORD’s, knowing that His will and plans for me are far better than my own and will promote His kingdom far more efficiently than anything I can dream up!

He has given us His Word, the Holy Scriptures:

2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17
16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work

So we not only have GOD’s promise to direct us to these good works that He has ordained for us, we also have all of the necessary equipment as found in the Word of GOD – these spiritual ‘tools of the trade’ to engage in and complete these good works!

The Scriptures provide all that we need to live a godly life, indwelt by the divine nature that is Christ Jesus (2 PET 1:2-4).

He has given us His Spirit that both indwells us (JOHN 20:22; 1 COR 6:19-20) and empowers us (ACTS 1:8).

As Co-Workers of Christ, we should consider what line of work He has for us: in the work force we see Law enforcement, teachers, soldiers & drill sergeants, doctors, EMTs, farmers, and so many others.

Where are you in the body of Christ?

Are you a soldier, who will spend time on your knees fighting spiritual battles with enemies unseen with the natural eye? Are you a drill sergeant who will bring raw recruits of the church into a disciplined life of commitment and duty to the Captain of the Hosts of Heaven?

Are you a doctor or EMT that deals with the wounded and hurting and in desperate need of some serious spiritual care?

Are you one who quietly, faithfully, in every season sow the seed, tend the husbandry and bring in the harvest?

Whatever the work GOD has for you, understand that everything you need to fulfill that work is found in the Spirit of Christ that dwells in you. You’ll never be in the work of the kingdom alone: He is with you, and He is working with you!

The Weapons and the Fruit of the Spirit:

This work in the kingdom can be very dangerous, as we have a very dangerous adversary that wants to take us out and ensure his slaves remain in bondage. So GOD has equipped us with spiritual armor and knowledge on how to conduct spiritual warfare.

He has also provided the fruit of the Spirit whereby we are partakers of these first fruits, and also able to minister to the needs of others who will be attracted to these spiritually delicious and essential sustenance.

Check out the article AFTER HIS KIND.

With all of this afforded to us, with every available resource from Heaven’s stores, with the most effective training at our disposal, and the very Best of the best Teachers, we need never feel that the “good works” that GOD has ordained for us, in the ministry of GOD’s choosing for our lives, in the company of the meek and lowly LORD that we are yoked together with – that we are alone to accomplish those good works.

He is with us every step of the way, and leading the way for us, not only to see to it that these good works are accomplished through our lives, but that His good work, in carving the likeness of Christ into our very being, will likewise be accomplished!

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