Have you ever worked at a job where the team you belonged to had one particular employee who just exceeded everyone’s expectations? Who, when they came into the room, brightened it with good-humored and encouraging morale? A natural born leader that others naturally followed? The sort of person that you couldn’t imagine not being there? That made your job a joy?
I’ve actually had that experience in a few different jobs throughout the years!
As Christians we have the astonishing privilege of joining the best team ever – the church of the LORD Jesus Christ! And as the Head of the church, He doesn’t merely lead us as a whole, but each of us individually!
Previously we looked at MATTHEW 11:
MATTHEW 11:29-30
29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.
We saw that the LORD places a yoke on us that is a double-yoke and that it’s a light burden, only because the LORD bears the brunt of the load!
And being so yoked together as a team, we are near Him, and are well able to learn of Him, of His gentleness, of His lowliness, of His heart where we can truly find rest for our souls.