
Friday, March 26, 2010

TEARS For The LORD- A Poem

The Holy God and Terrible Judge presided above,
Against my staining sins and crimes there was enough,
To sentence me to lasting death, a cursed, cold grave,
Was there no one at all for my soul to save?

In breathless, twisted anguish my deeds were caught,
And in lame defense was I defenseless with naught,
to justify my waywardness, my sins, my crimes,
In my ears I heard death's harsh toll begin to chime.

Who shall deliver me from this body of death,
And light the chamber within my darkened breast?
Who shall seperate me from my sin with infinite breadth?
Is there any to ignite in me a holy Eternal breath?

A wonder then to behold, an awesome, beautiful sight:
The Lamb of God approaches in bright, unapproachable light!
The Holy God, upon Whom fell my most unholy blight.
Pierced through by nails, by whip, by sin and devilish night.

Blessed Substitute Who took my sin as His very own,
Suffered Holy Wrath Himself, for all of us, to spare.
Suffered His stainless soul to be so horribly marred,
And laid them all in death within that cold, dark tomb.

Omnipotent Power raised Him up with scars remaining!
Retrieving waiting souls that hoped for that Blessed Day,
Ascending to heaven, to a throne of Kingly display,
Almighty God in new life and glory-power reigning!

O'er death, o'er sin, o'er all the devil's power disdaining,
Bringing my spirit to God and to life, regaining
Far more than ever I lost and ever before knew,
And finding in the Father's heart, a passion-love true!

Then on a certain day, upon death's bed of night,
And prepared to close my eyes in temporary sleep.
Then open them again and then only will I see:
An awesome glorious sight, in approachable Light:

The LAMB of God approaches with scars still remaining,
I fall to my knees, my hands in His strongly sustaining.

My God, my God what anguish you suffered for me!
Sobbing, sobbing still, firmly in Love's gentle eternal grace,

Sobbing, sobbing for my Savior with fervant grateful embrace,
The LORD raises me up, and His eyes look to mine and sees:

Tears of sorrow, tears of joy, tears born from former life.
Now free from sin, from death, from mortal turmoil and strife.

No tears for the eternal morrow, no, nor for today,
For sorrow and lamenting liquid, He shall finally wipe away.

Mercy and Truth are now met together
Righteousness and peace have kissed each other
The Truth has sprung out from the Earth,
Righteousness looks down in blood stained worth!

March 25, 2010


  1. Be still my soul to relish yet again, beautifully poetic words in praise of Jesus! -- Andy Gallego

  2. Has anyone ever requested a privileged opportunity to put these words to music, James?

    -- Andy
