After seeking the LORD about which book to study and post articles on, I came down to two choices, either Romans or Hebrews (both are among my very favorite), and after some consideration and reflection, I decided on Romans (yet with the intention of getting into Hebrews, LORD willing, later on down the line).
Romans holds a very special place in my heart as this is the book that the LORD used to bring me into the Kingdom of God via the revelation of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ (Romans 4: 1-5 was the specific passage that the LORD used to ‘turn on the Light’ for me!).
The book of Romans is considered the best and most thorough treatment of Christian doctrine in the entire New Testament. It logically, accurately, and with absolute biblical authority explains (1) how all are sinners and unrighteous before a Holy God, (2) how we may obtain righteousness via justification by grace and faith in the LORD Jesus Christ and His work of atonement on the cross, (3) how as Christians we may grow in Christ and Christ-likeness via that second aspect of salvation, sanctification, (4) the distinction between the church founded upon Jesus Christ and the nation of Israel, whose covenant with God has not been abolished or transferred to the church but will be fulfilled upon the return of the Messiah of Israel to Earth, (5) the service to and glorification of God in the life of the Christian, and (6) the primary motivation of such: the love for Jesus our LORD and SAVIOR.
Key verses are as follows:
Rom 1:16
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
Rom 5:1
Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:
To read this study (and all further articles) for this exposition on the book of Romans, links will be provided here that will bring you to the main site: The TRUTH Under FIRE -
A Study in Paul’s Epistle to the Romans – "On the Road of Righteousness"
GOD Bless you saints - - WAY TOO MUCH!!!
UPDATE - 9-12-11: (note: all further studies will be updated on this post; eventually the entire study on this epistle by Paul will be posted here for your edification)
Concluding Chapter One of the Book of Romans - On the Road of Righteousness
UPDATE: 10-1-11
A Study in Paul’s Epistle to the Romans – “On the Road of Righteousness” Chapter Two: Guilty as Charged.
UPDATE: 10-9-11
A Study in Paul’s Epistle to the Romans – “On the Road of Righteousness” Chapter Three: The Deeds of the Law vs. the Righteousness of God - Parts 1 & 2
UPDATE: 11-26-11
On the Road of Righteousness: Chapter Four
UPDATE 11-26-11
On the Road of Righteousness: Chapter Five
UPDATE 11-26-11
On the Road of Righteousness: Chapter Six